So the biggest personal news was that I grew a beard, it got to itchy (but I stuck it out for more than a month) and shaved it off. It was an interesting experience, and I got a lot of positive feedback. Actually it was strange, things just seemed different. Oh, and I got carded all the time! It was quite ridiculous really.
Anyway, when I shaved it off I tried a couple of different looks, just for fun. The first one is just the beard. The next one was the beard without the moustache or soulpatch. It isn't quite clear in these pictures, but the moustache and soul patch were blondish (not really blonde, but the color of a blonde guy's beard). I also have to say the moustache was one of the most annoying, but intriguing parts of the experiment. It annoyed my upper lip considerably but I found myself fondling it. So then I went for the muttonchops. The final photo was an experiment and I call it my evil genius look. The perspective makes my shiny dome look enormous and quite sinister.

In other news this past weekend was the 6294 celebration at my fraternity. Today is actually Founder's day for Theta Xi, April 29 1864. In this case it's also the 123rd anniversary of my chapter being founded (1885). We started off with a BBQ, even though it's always a bit too cold to want to BBQ.
Then the alumni showed the active chapter how to play softball. Although we could have used a bigger turnout, I think we all had fun. We also had to improvise on a field because there were so many other games going on. We actually ended up using a baseball diamond with home plate at 3rd base, and home plate taking the place of first base. That was due to a football game going on in really really shallow left field. There was also much hijinks with swapping balls, since only one of the balls we brought was regulation and the other two were softer practice balls which couldn't clear the infield.
After the game everyone went home and cleaned up to get ready for the Corporation meeting and then dinner at the house. There was a quick trip to the wine store between the two where a bunch of us pooled our bottles to get the case discount on wine. The discount allowed us to get a couple of bottles of port for after dinner.
Although before we got to bust out the port there was a rivering to perform. Greg went and got married before he was properly doused, so we had to throw him in in front of his lovely wife. Of course, Greg didn't make it easy on us and decided to struggle the entire way. He was struggling to save face and not because he really didn't want to get thrown in the river. Anyway, if I was sore from the softball game, I was doubly sore from helping carry him all that way.
I kind of wonder what the random people on the street thought. A group of roughly fifteen people, including a few women, all dressed up (we left the jackets at the house but were still wearing ties, collared shirts, etc) carrying a struggling man down the street, across a foot-bridge, along the esplanade and eventually to the pier where we threw him in.
Ahhh... Good times.