27 May 2008

Long Commute

Today was the first warm day of the year, meaning it cracked eighty. But it was also rather muggy, which is the thing about Boston summers that really bother me. Well, I don't like the temperature either, but the humidity really is terrible.

Anyway, the humidity wasn't the only weather we had today, there was also the little matter of the thunder storm. It snuck up on me during a telecon and when the thunder came down it really startled me. Anyway, a minute or two after the big lightning strike, I started hearing sirens. So evidently the lightning found something that didn't agree with it.

I put all that out of my mind, and a couple hours later I was ready to go home. The subway platform was especially full, I'd even say unusually full, and that is never a good sign. As I made my way down the length of the platform, I was again worried about the number of people. I got to the far end of the platform and there was an annoucement about fire department presense at one of the stations which was causing delays.

I'd heard disabled trains causing delays, I'd heard about medical emergencies causing delays, but this was the first time I'd heard about a fire department delay. Anyway, a few minutes later a train did finally arrive, and it was even on my side of the tracks. The problem was it was a train going the wrong direction. I hope for the best and got on the train, but they announced that they were holding the train because of problems at one of the stations. They also said they would be sending buses to make up for the service gap.

So I decided to find an alternate way of getting home. But the only game plan I could come up with was walking about a mile to the #1 bus, taking it across the river, walking a bit further and taking another bus. I walked Mass Ave where the #1 bus is known to run, and waited. I waited a little longer, and eventually the bus did arrive. Two buses right in a row in fact. The problem was they first bus only let on four people, and the second bus didn't stop at all.

I decided just to walk across the bridge, since it was only another mile. Except it started raining again. Oh, and then halfway across the bridge another #1 bus went by. It looked pretty full, so I might not have gotten on it anyway. But the important thing, at least for the story, is I was wet, and the bus left me behind.

I stopped to have dinner between where the bus would have let me off and where I could pick up the other bus. By that time it had stopped raining, of course. But, I didn't really mind that much that it was raining. It was kind of nice, actually.

From there on my commute was quite straight-forward, not more glitches. Although coming home, still being rather damp, I realized all I wanted was a shower. It's kind of ironic really. I don't know if I needed to be fully wet so that I could then feel dry or what. Just one of those quirky things I suppose.

14 May 2008

Weather moods

I've always been a bit different than the average person when it came to my feelings for weather. I much prefer cold weather to heat, and avoid getting too much sunshine. I burn easily, and am slightly photophobic as a optometrist once told me.

But I think one of the oddest things is that "foul" weather seems to put me in a good mood. I know I seem to sleep better when a front moves through. It might be that it is darker outside so the early sun doesn't intrude on my sleep, although it could also be the drop in pressure. Going outside in the wing and rain also seems to put me in a good mood.

I don't know... Maybe it's the challenge that appeals to me. Fighting the wind seems to invigorate me. There also seems to be more air and cleaner air. It is also cooler and there are less bugs. As for the rain, I appreciate the cleaner air more than I mind being slightly damp. Sure a lot of consecutive rainy days starts getting annoying, but it's really not so bad.