25 September 2007

Paper Work

So the paperwork accepting my new job is officially in, my resignation is officially in, and I've been un-WARNed. Because more than 50 people were affected at work at the same time I was, the California WARN act went into action. Over a month ago I got a WARN notice saying that I had 60 days left and then if I hadn't found a new position I would be severed from the company. Well, they didn't say severed but a severance package is all about severing.

Anyway, because at one point during those 60 days I received a job offer from another group at work, that meant I was no longer eligible for severance. So I'm not going to get my seven weeks (one per year of service) plus two weeks on top of that. Instead I'll just get a last pay check with my accrued vacation cashed out. Actually that adds up to quite a bit since I have been a bit slack with taking time off. Also, I actually earned most of the vacation time at a much lower salary grade, so many of those hours I will be paid out at 40% more than I earned them.

I also got a hold of the moving service and started that rolling. Only a few more big things to take care of, and then all the little things.

Oh, I also ordered cards. Personal cards so I can give people my contact info without having to scribble an email address on the back of a receipt.

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