16 March 2008

St. Patrick's Day

Now that I'm living in South Boston, I should be more in tune to all things Irish, especially St. Patty's day. But no, I missed it. In my defense, I was sick all week. I had enough trouble keeping track of the day of the week, let alone a holiday I don't particularly celebrate.

So when I decided to go to a movie, I was a bit surprised by the parade preparations going on. I live half a block off Broadway, which is the main drag leading through South Boston. The parade starts two blocks from me at the T stop. So I walked past the vendors setting up their booths, the TV crews setting up their platforms and cameras, and the barricades. I tried to remember when exactly St. Patty's day was, because I was sure it didn't actually fall on a Sunday. But parades are good for Sundays, so....

Anyway, by the time I was done with my movie and heading back, the T was packed with people. Fortunately, most of them didn't know which end of the subway the Broadway T stop's exit resided on. So I walked past the crowds waiting on the platform and made my way all the way to the end. I didn't have to wait long before a mostly empty train arrived. At least the back end of the train was mostly empty. Empty enough for me to get a seat. The front of the train I knew was experiencing much pushing and shoving.

The next stop filled up my car, and it took forever to get the train moving at each stop. I think they were trying to stick strictly to the schedule. Anyway, eventually the train emptied for my stop and I got off. But the entrance to the T that I usually use is on the wrong side of the parade route. I only learned that the other way around was to use the other entrance, once I got to the top of the stairs. So I walked a couple of blocks over to avoid the parade route and made it home. Although I hope the parade ends at a reasonable time, since I need to do grocery shopping and the stores are on the wrong side of the parade route.

Anyway, by the time I got home I was convinced that I remembered that St. Patrick's day was March 17th. So I thought, tomorrow is the day. Nope. Well, I was right about the traditional day, but because of when Easter falls this year, Monday the 17th is a Holy Day, so the Catholics moved St. Patrick's day to the 15th. So I totally missed it.

Edit: I'm hearing now that it's only kind of moved, so maybe I didn't miss it afterall. Those Catholics are such crazy kids.

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