08 November 2008

My Niece

The first few days of this month saw me in Knoxville, Tennessee to visit my niece Veronica Marie Bartholomay. Usually I travel to Knoxville to visit my sister, but, then again my niece is only 2 months old so there hasn't been a lot of chances for me to visit her.

Anyway, in addition to being the first time I got to see my niece, it was also my niece's baptism. I was honored to be her godfather, or rather her baptismal sponsor. I even got to hold her during most of the service.

The other sponsor was Veronica Marie's cousin Marsha (Roger's brother's daughter). I'm bringing up the other baptismal sponsor because we both apparently share a good idea of what a two month old needs. A ninja doll!
Seriously, we both independently decided that Nica (short for Veronica, although with her being so small right now, it is easier to think of her as Veronica Marie) needed to have a ninja doll. Melanie said that when Marsha brought the ninja doll she said, "That looks like something that Peter would get" and sure enough...

As for little Nica, she is a beautiful wiggly bundle of joy. She was also pretty well behaved for me. She didn't fuss once during the entire church service, and was even awake for the first half. She got a bit fussy when we insisted on getting photos with her after the service rather than letting her eat. But once that issue was settled she calmed down and slept while the rest of us went to lunch.

This is my favorite picture from the trip down. My niece really isn't that small, she just looks tiny next to my enormous mug. She's about the length of my forearm, and the fist that she's cocking back in the photo is about the size of the last joint of my thumb. Actually, the size issue was rather funny when I tried to hand her back to my sister after the first time I got to hold Nica. I was being so careful to distribute the holding, i.e. spreading my hands, that my sister couldn't actually find anywhere to put her own hands.

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