15 October 2007

First day of work

I started work today. Well, I did the orientation and met the other people in the office which I suppose counts as work. I have a little more orientation tomorrow, and then I might start doing real work. Although later this week is some sort of review, and then on Thursday is a big open house.

I noticed something kind of odd today. Everywhere I looked, I thought I recognized people. It took me a little while to realize that I wasn't recognizing the people, but their body language, the way they moved. When I was in college, I learned to recognize the foreign students by the way they dressed, and the way they moved. There was a difference in posture and even a different way of walking. I've come to realize there is a regional accent to body language as well. People in California just don't move the same as people on the east coast.

That could be one of the reasons I immediately felt so comfortable when I came back to Boston. I recognized the people that were around me. Although, some of the body language difference could also simply be the temperature difference. People act differently when the air temperature is in the 40's or low 50's than when it's in the 60's.

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