10 February 2008

More Rollerderby

Last night I went to the RollerDerby again. It really was a lot of fun, although the seats weren't the most comfortable. Actually, it was more crowded than the last time I went, and parking was a disaster, possibly because the line for tickets stretched into the parking lot blocking the only path for the cars.

Anyway, the match was the Cosmonaughties against the Wicked Pissah's. Apparently the Pissah's were last year's champions, and they proved their credentials by beating the Cosmonaughties. I'm still learning the game, but it didn't seem like the Cosmonaughties were getting all the points they should have. I'm not saying they should have won, because the Pissahs did seem to be the better team, even if they spent a lot of time in the penalty box.

Watching the match for a second time, I began to see the tactics and skills involved in playing the game. The first time it was too hard to separate out the chaos. But this time I really started to understand what was going on. I can hardly wait for next month's match, where the Boston Massacre (all star team pulled from the three teams in the boston league) play against the Bronx Gridlock.

Although, it wasn't all fun and games. Near the end of the third period there was an injury to one of the Pissah's, Evilicious. She slid into the wall and suffered lacerations to her face. Actually, she hit about twenty feet from me, but because of the setup of the seats I couldn't see her until she was being taken off on a gurney. Apparently the gurney was a precaution they take on any injury to the head whether it seemed necessary or not.

Oh, and the weather is smoking crack or something. Driving home last night, it started as a veritable blizzard. In the parking lot I walked around my car wiping the snow off. By the time I got back to the windshield it was completely covered again. When I got home there was nothing, not even a sign that it had been snowing. Then this morning it seemed like it would be a nice enough day. In the forties around noon, and I went out to get lunch. Of course, it was pouring down rain. By the time I got to lunch the sun was shining, and stayed shining all the way home. An hour or so later, it was another blizzard. Snowing blowing every which way, even up! Now, its bright and sunny, with those innocent puffy clouds.

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