04 February 2008


Yesterday was the Superbowl and I made a mistake. I went out to do my weekly grocery shopping. Actually, it is more like semi-weekly, but the point is I should have known better than to go when everyone in the world is getting food for the game. It's like going present shopping the week before Christmas. Although people were a little friendly now than at Christmas time. Probably because they aren't as stressed.

As for the game itself... This is definitely one of the best Superbowls I've watched. Not the best, but it's up there. I knew it was going to be close, but I wasn't expecting it quite like that. Of course, it's sad to be living in Boston when the Pats lost like that.

It was really odd, as I was coming home last night, there was a ton of traffic leaving South Boston. I'm not really sure where they were coming from, but the line of cars reached out of sight on the main drag.

Going to wrap this up, American Gladiators is on. Crush is hawt! So are Venom and Siren.

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